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Senior Capstone Experience

海洋之神590网址的高级顶点经验(SCE)代表了 以前的学术工作和智力思想等需要证明 学生的主动性,大量的准备工作,积极的探究,创造性的整合 of acquired knowledge and skills.

SCE Guidelines

海洋之神590网址的高级顶点经验(SCE)代表了 以前的学术工作和思想. As such, it requires initiative, 重要的准备工作,并积极询问. The CMS SCE requires students to 将所学专业的知识和技能融入到自己的项目中; demonstrating mastery of a body of knowledge. Students will engage in a long-term, 结合研究,写作和原创展示的实质性项目 ideas.

成功完成SCE考试后,学生将获得及格、不及格、 or Honors. 通过和优秀的SCE项目可以获得四个学分 从学院毕业所需的总学分. To graduate as a CMS major, students must pass their SCE.

SCE Honors

CMS students with a major GPA of 3.5 can attempt an Honors capstone. Students who 完成一个荣誉的顶点并保持3分.5 GPA through the end of the senior 一年获得系荣誉,毕业时授予.